I bring clarity to the science of nutrition and dietary supplements so personal trainers and sports performance coaches can deliver amazing results for their clients.

Korey Van Wyk is an educator and sports performance coach who has spent the last decade of his career bridging the gap between science and practice. As a former professor of kinesiology and collegiate strength coach, he spent every day connecting the classroom and the weight room. Now as an acquisitions editor, he helps create world-class educational products for trainers and coaches. With degrees in exercise science and nutrition, Korey is an experienced presenter on all aspects of nutrition and human performance.

How to Choose Dietary Supplements
The dietary supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar machine that has new products hitting the market every day. The sheer amount of options can be overwhelming and confusing. Through the internet, health food stores, and even our local grocery stores, we have access to thousands of supplements. And all of them promise to improve health and performance. So, which ones do we choose?
This practical, informative presentation will give attendees tools to cut through the confusion about how to choose safe and effective dietary supplements from reputable companies. It will provide a clear, actionable framework that will allow attendees to choose confidently so they can live their lives the most healthfully.

Creatine: Research, Safety, and Recommendations
Creatine is one of the most recommended supplements to enhance performance. It is also one of the most controversial. Numerous claims have been made about its potential dangers including dehydration, muscle cramping, kidney damage, and liver damage. This presentation will clear up the confusion surrounding what creatine is, what the research says about its efficacy and safety, and provide recommendations for its supplementation.
Nutritional Supplementation for Athletic Performance
Serious athletes are always looking for an edge over their opponents. Many of them will turn to nutritional supplements to find this edge. Unfortunately, the supplement industry is abundant with unsupported claims and false promises. This presentation will identify which supplements actually improve sports performance, which ones are a waste of money, and which ones could be harmful. It will ensure that the audience leaves with an understanding of what each supplement is, how it works, how to use it, and what type to choose.